
Angels of Mercy Aviation Inc.

Sharing Our Thoughts

Reflections on Motherhood

Over the years I have met and observed several mothers.  In the hospitals  I met mothers concerned about their families, in the courtroom standing up, and besides, their family, and in the church praying for their family.  I always wondered what makes a woman want to be a mother.

God knows this is not a small decision. Some may find themselves there unprepared, some may find themselves there out of carelessness, some may find themselves there out of overly romantic ideals.  Yet, there are those who just wanted to be a mother.

Why, I ask?

It cannot just be a matter of desire.  The implication of motherhood transcends emotions.  The implication of motherhood transcends perpetuity.  Perhaps these implications are not fully understood.  I reject this premise.  There is something about a woman that calls her to motherhood.  Something that changes a woman when they become a mother.

I recall when my son was born.  They placed the child on the mothers’ breasts and her countenance changed.  She had a look of completeness, accomplishment, and humility.  It seemed she knew it was the grace of God that allowed this child to be born without blemish.  It was His grace that allowed her to give birth without dire complications.

Yet the questions remain, Why does a woman want to be a mother?

Perhaps it is the fact that they find satisfaction in knowing they nurtured and cared for the child through gestation. Perhaps it is the feeling of joy in knowing they cared and gave life even at the risk of their own.  Maybe they feel the grace of God upon them.

A woman is never closer to death than when they give birth to a child. It is the grace of God that allows the delivery to be without complications.

Yet birth is only the beginning. Motherhood transcends birth.  Motherhood is a journey that begins at birth and lasts a lifetime.  Mothers accept an appointment from God to take His child through the journey of life.

Life can be so challenging.  There are so many twists and turns, hurdles, obstacles, and moments of joy. Through this and more we find the ever-present love of a mother.

What is it that allows a mother to stand beside their child in the best and worst of times?  What is it that no matter what others may say, the love of a mother persists?  What is it the no matter how evil the child, the mother can always find the best in them?  What is it that no matter how challenged the child, the mother never loses faith?

What motivates a woman to be a mother?

Children are not always kind to their mothers.  Society is not always kind to the mother.  Lest we forget, the mother of the Christ child would have been shunned and scorned be it not for the Holy Spirit and a greater man.  We live in a society that believed women were to be hid away out of shame for the desire to be a mother.

Yet despite the burdens, trials, disappointments, or shame it requires a tragic and compelling event to abandon the desire to be a mother.

I do not believe we do enough to honor our mothers.  I am not sanctioning the harm our institutions do to fathers in the name of motherhood.  This is the shame of society.  For a mother cannot be a mother without a man.  More, a woman cannot successfully fill the roles of a man.  Children need both.

However, without a mother there is no child.  Without a child there is no future.  Our world depends on motherhood.  So, I wonder why we do not do more to honor our mothers?

We do not fully grasp the blessing of a mother until they are no more.  Mothers are our confidants.  They give consideration, comfort, and compassion when the burdens of this world become too great.

Why does one want to give so much of themselves away?

Why do women want to be mothers?

I surmise the question should be reframed.  The question is why do women want to be good mothers?  For history is replete with too many of the others.  We are a flawed species and sometimes our character is waning.  Yet, thankfully, this is a minority of cases.  The majority is not just mothers but loving and sacrificial women who assume the role and burden of a good mother.  A role that often seems beyond human.

There are accounts where mothers upon seeing their child in life threatening peril can do the inhuman.  They summon inhuman strength to protect their child.  They are driven by love and sacrifice that exceeds human ability.

There are mothers who will go to the death that their children may live.  I am compelled to understand what is it in a woman that desires to be a mother.

We treat women as a weaker being.  Yet their strength often surpasses all understanding.

King Solomon, known for his infinite wisdom, in the Book of Proverbs writes;

She opened her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her (Proverbs 31:26-28).

Yes, Why Are Women Drawn to be Mothers?

Perhaps I will never know. Yet, this question becomes more poignant when one loses their mother. It is then that we begin to realize the gravity of such a loss.  It is then that we are helpless to prevent such a grievous loss.

Perhaps we need to ask this question more frequently.  For when we discover the answer surely our appreciation will increase.

What is it in a woman that they desire to be a mother?

Picture of Dr. Ron Garcia

Dr. Ron Garcia

The General Daniel "Chappie" James Flight Institute Coming Soon
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