We are excited. We are pleased to announce that we are on the threshhold of opening the General Daniel “Chappie” James Drone Academy. This will be an Academy for the advancement of Unmanned Flight knowledge. We will not just offer the academics of Drone flight. We will offer the mechanics of Drone Flight. This is something which is desperately needed in the area. However, there is also a desperate need for proper academic instruction. Drones are still a new technology. There is a lot to learn about Drones and we cannot afford to have the benefit of this technology be clouded. Proper airmanship is the way to bring a welcomed reception and that begins with proper training. We want to insure we offer a venue where that training can be found.
The General "Chappie" James James Drone Academy
The General Daniel "Chappie" James Institute of Flight
Who Was General Danel Chappie James Jr.
There is a dilemma in the current training of Unmanned Aircraft pilots. Most schools teach the academic subjects necessary to pass the FAA license examination. Very little attention has been given to the mechanics of flight. The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International was the first to propose a three-tiered credentialing process focused on the mechanics of flight (AUVSI, n.d.). Now the NIST Standards are the model for the mechanics of unmanned flight operation. (US Department of Commerce: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2019). The combination of the NIST standards and the AUVSI levels of competency are bringing are a whole new level of attention to the mechanics of unmanned flight.
We are fast-moving to the model of training conducted with manned flight training where there is dual attention given to the academic and the mechanics of flight. I believe that is a good thing. This model has been successful for many years. If unmanned pilots are to be considered professional members of the aviation community they need to be initiated as professional members. We propose such at the General James Drone Academy
We do not want people with book knowledge alone. We want pilots. We want professional unmanned pilots. So we will offer a Drone Academy that will offer a comprehensive ground school and a challenging flight school. This will be as General James would have done it!
See more at the General “Chappie” James Drone Academy website.