
Angels of Mercy Aviation Inc.

Sharing Our Thoughts

I Had A Dream

I had a dream last night. I dreamed about a woman named Beth Zimmerman. How many of you know who she is? Some eleven years ago she had a dream. She dreamed about saving rescue animals from needless euthanasia and placing them with lonely Veterans. By doing such, giving both a new beginning together.

Beth Zimmerman

I can hear those she voiced her dream to. There are always those prepared to challenge your dreams. Beth, why do you want to do that? Beth, that will never work. Beth, why would you give up your promising career for that? Yet Beth had a dream and when you have a dream you have to follow your dream!

Some eleven years later Beth now operates Pets for Patriots. This is one of the largest such programs serving our nation’s Veterans and God’s noble creatures. I am a blessed beneficiary of her dream.

Do I agree with all of Beth’s policies? No!! However, she is a model of a dreamer who acted on her dream and made her dream a reality. As a result, thousands of lives have been made better!

I have to keep these models before me. Not the ones who will see a fallacy in my dream. If my dream never reaches reality, it was a dream. It was my dream, my mission in life, my purpose for life. It was a blessing to have a purpose in my life. So many do not.

So yes, I have a dream. It is because of people like Beth that I can see fruition in my dream. If not, at least I have purpose and that is a gift from God

Picture of Dr. Ron Garcia

Dr. Ron Garcia

The General Daniel "Chappie" James Flight Institute Coming Soon
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