
Angels of Mercy Aviation Inc.

Sharing Our Thoughts

Character Precedes Mentorship

The purpose of my speech is to address my personal experience as a protégé. Over the years there have been so many who thought to be in a mentor role. I have forgotten most. It was the mentors who evidenced character that I recall. Character precedes mentorship.

You see anyone can master a craft or rise to the pinnacle in a personal pursuit. Anyone can assume the role of a guide or a sage. However, if they lack character they will soon fade away. It is character that is lasting and noteworthy. Character precedes mentorship.

Character is a sparse quality. However, it is the quality that is most impactful. One does not require longevity to have character. One need not even be human to have character.

In Number 22: 30 God used Balaam’s donkey to evidence character to Balaam. Even after Balaam beat the donkey three times.

I would like to share with you two who evidenced the sort of character I speak about.

The first is a young lady I became acquainted with while working at the Mortuary. Her name was Kcey Ruiz.

When I first encountered Kcey she was covered completely by a blanket. There had been a tragic accident and Kcey perished in the accident. However, she was from my hometown and her parents were from my occupational community. So, I made it my point to know Kcey.

Kcey was a 21-year-old young airman. She wanted to be a Nurse. However, the Air Force made her a Cop. She went to Iraq and through anothers negligence she died.

She gave her life for her country in a questionable war. Her character of duty, commitment, courage, and selfless obedience led to her death. At age 21 she evidenced the sort of character those several times her senior has the inability to muster. Kcey died a hero.

Let me share another hero with you. His name was Chris Fitzgerald. He was a 31-year-old man. The father of four in one family and a young son in another. He came from a Law Enforcement background. He joined three other Police Departments before settling on his final one. He became what used to be called Campus Police. I know the job; I did the job almost 30 years before him. However, over the years the job grew harder and harder.

One night while on patrol, he saw three men dressed and acting suspiciously. He chased one and entered a scuffle with the suspect. The Officer was shot in the head and three more times in his face. He died on the street while the suspect rifled his pockets.

The character of unimaginable courage, duty, and selfless care for those he served made Officer Fitzgerald a hero.

These are the men and women who earned the title of Mentor. Their character justifies the respect and due offered to a Mentor. You might ask why?

Character Precedes Mentorship.

The Bible records it like this in John 15:13,

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Picture of Dr. Ron Garcia

Dr. Ron Garcia

The General Daniel "Chappie" James Flight Institute Coming Soon
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