
Angels of Mercy Aviation Inc.

Sharing Our Thoughts

I Believe in Angels

St Rapheal – The Healer

I am left-handed. The behavioralists say that is my dominant side. Superstitious people used to bind the left hand so that one could only use the right. Little did these people know left-handed people are more creative, more imaginative, and have greater intuition. But this is a story for another day.

There is more to come.

On my left arm, I have the mark of remembrance. It includes the green ribbon, the ribbon of remembrance for mental health sufferers. It has the wings of the angels to remind me the angels cover me.  Most importantly it includes the semicolon. The semicolon is punctuation that means the story is not over yet, there is more to come. We suicide survivors wear this sign to remind us that our lives are not over yet. There is more to come.

The most dominant part of the mark of remembrance is the wings of the angels. For I believe in angels. The Holy Scripture says,

 “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways.”

                                                                                                Psalm 91:11 KJV

My favorite angels are St Michael who protects us from the evil one, St Gabriel, the strength of God, and St Raphael, the Healer.

These are powerful angels called archangels. Yet not all angels are heavenly spiritual bodies. Some walk among you. I am blessed to have had four angels in my life. One is my Brother Greg Davis, one is a new one Jaime Tirado, my life companion Magai, and my childhood friend Richard Ray. There have been others, but these are the prominent ones. 

Cherish your angels. They are gifts from God. They are all meant to make your life journey easier. They are selfless beings who are dedicated to your betterment and sustenance.

I have been blessed for I know my angels and without a doubt my angels love me. We are never alone or forgotten. Even in the most troubling of times, God sends His angels in the fulfillment of His promise. When you are too weary to walk, too devastated by the circumstances of life, too downtrodden to continue you are never alone. The promise of God is He will never forsake you, nor leave you alone. God will send His angels to watch over you and keep you. In the midst of trouble or despair, God will send His angels. 

I was blessed. I could express my gratitude to my Angel who has been with me for fifty years. I have been criticized because my Angel has protected me too strenuously. He insured this 18-year-old boy was spared from unnecessary and unrelenting mischief. I can embrace this criticism. He sent money when money was needed. He cared for me as I cared for others. Lastly, he provided shelter when my traveling was interrupted by a storm. I was blessed because gratitude is the fuel that undergirds consideration.

I could share my life’s joys and life disappointments. In so doing my life purpose was renewed. I was sharing with my Angel, and he listened. It is another gift when others listen to you. God allowed me to commune with my Angel and I am the better for it. I also listened and learned my Angels life was also one of joy and disappointment.

Yes, I believe in Angels. I have a collection of Angel figurines. I wear the wings of angels on my arm. Yet what I find most special is God allowed me to spend time with my Angel. What a true blessing.

I believe in Angels. Scripture says,

And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”

In the presence of an Angel

                                                                                          John 1:51 KJV

Picture of Dr. Ron Garcia

Dr. Ron Garcia

The General Daniel "Chappie" James Flight Institute Coming Soon
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